


Aglaya; "the one that shines", "the resplendent", "the splendid one". In Greek mythology it was one of the three graces and symbolized intelligence, creative power and intuition.
These three adjectives; intelligence, creativity and intuition define, in some way, what this project wants to convey. We believe that jewelry is not just a mere adornment for the body. Ancient cultures and societies used jewelry as protection amulets, distinction between classes, expression of love and also as a way of transmitting the very nature of being. Today, through jewelry, we can also express our concerns, create new languages, question the world in which we live and define ourselves as human beings. There is a story behind each piece. These arise from a unique creative process and are imbued with a spirit that accentuates and never masks the personality of the wearer.


AGLAYA is located in a house in the old town of Ciutadella de Menorca. The space is made up of, on the ground floor, the gallery where the pieces of the jewelers we represent are exhibited and sold. Further up, on the first floor, we find the school, where we hold jewelry courses throughout the year. Talks and exhibitions are also organized. We are in constant motion!

Where creativity flourishes. The project is committed to jewelry that tells stories, and what better than having a space where we can develop our ideas and express what we want to say. Quarterly and intensive courses are offered throughout the year, both technical and conceptual, always with a look towards artistic jewelry and reflection.


Hello! I'm Sonia and I've been running this project since 2021. I've been in jewelry for more than fifteen years. I know this field from different points of view, from design, production of collections, sales and participation in exhibitions. All this experience has given me a perspective on the world of jewelry that has allowed me to define myself and my work.
The last eight years I have dedicated to exploring jewelry from an artistic vision, from this path I have found my own language and where I want to be. My passion for this type of jewelry leads me to want to spread this aspect and make this interesting world known, I want to share it with you!